Biorepack Consortium on air with “I Buttadentro”, an integrated campaign dedicated to the benefits of proper wet waste collection. With the Connexia signature.

12 June 2024 – Biorepack, the first European extended producer responsibility (EPR) consortium system dedicated to compostable bioplastic packaging, is back in communication with “I Buttadentro“, an integrated campaign for TV, radio, press, social media, digital media and cinema. The project was signed by the creative team of Connexia, the marketing and communication brand of Retex, who oversaw strategy, creativity and media planning for the campaign.
On air from 9 to 29 June 2024 with a multi-subject format of three 15″ adverts on the television channels of RAI, Mediaset, CairoRCS Media, SKY and Discovery Plus, “I Buttadentro” complements the (already significant) TV presence with an advert in 30″ format on the radio frequencies of Gruppo Editoriale GEDI and CNR Media, a special advert in 15″ cinema format (which will precede the screenings of the eagerly awaited film “Inside Out 2” in all UCI Cinema and The Space theatres in Italy), a 15″ advert on Google and Meta platforms, and an advertising page, which will appear in the major periodicals and national printed newspapers over the coming months.
The Biorepack Consortium is therefore returning to the main Italian media to continue to raise awareness of certified compostable bioplastic materials and their correct use and disposal among citizens. Biorepack also promotes the virtuous link between the correct collection of wet waste and the production of compost, a very important resource for soil regeneration. And it is the quality of wet waste collection that is at the heart of the storytelling of the 2024 campaign, which focuses on the moment of truth, i.e. the moment of utmost indecision that people often experience as they dispose of their household waste. Emphasising the importance of carefully selecting what should and should not go into the bin are two iconic and memorable characters, the Buttadentros, figures who impose a scrupulous selection – just like bouncers at the entrance of a club.
The creative idea of “I Buttadentro” was developed precisely to celebrate the importance of making wet waste collection as accurate as possible. The bin becomes, then, a place so “exclusive” that carefully selecting what can and cannot go in it becomes very important. That is why the protagonists of the creative campaign are two bouncers, the two “buttadentros”, who guard the entrance to the bin and only let in what is suitable to be turned into compost, such as kitchen leftovers and certified compostable bioplastic packaging.
Not all materials have the privilege of becoming nourishment for the Earth.
“Since its inception, our Consortium has considered communication and citizen awareness activities to be its founding objectives,” comments Marco Versari, President of Biorepack. “Compostable bioplastics are innovative materials, and it is therefore important to help citizens understand how to recognise them and why they should be disposed of alongside domestic wet waste. The educational path is certainly still challenging: many people continue to put non-compostable materials (MNC), including plastics, glass and metal, into their wet waste bin, which complicates the work of composting plants, limiting the growth of recycling and compost generation rates. But we are confident that this multi-subject format with a multi-channel campaign will represent a new and important building block to reach as many Italians as possible and thus counter misinformation and fake news.”
“We are very pleased to be able to make our strategic and creative contribution to increasing environmental awareness,” explains Massimiliano Trisolino, Managing Partner of Connexia. “For the 2024 communication campaign ‘I Buttadentro’, we chose to support the educational objectives of the Biorepack Consortium once again through a multi-subject creative concept that emphasises the importance of adopting compostable bioplastics as an alternative material for food use, dedicating two new TV adverts to two of the MNCs that are unfortunately commonly found in wet waste collections: plastics and metals. The whole community benefits from increased awareness, and contributing to the spread of good everyday practices is a goal that, as a Benefit Society, we share with the Consortium and are proud to be able to support.”