“That’s your business!” Connexia with Banca Progetto for the new promotional campaign of Conto Progetto

25 June 2024 – Banca Progetto, the digital bank that operates in the Italian and international markets, responding to the credit needs of SMEs and supporting private individuals with customised financial solutions, is back in communication with a new campaign, this time dedicated to Conto Progetto, the ‘semi-free’ deposit account, with no fees or commissions, that links directly to customers’ current accounts.
The signature of Connexia, the marketing and communication brand of the MarTech Company Retex, marks the creative concept and communication strategy of the integrated campaign for TV, social, digital, OOH on the metro and tram livery of the city of Milan for the entire month of June. A new piece confirms the creative harmony that has linked Connexia to Banca Progetto for over two years.
The objective of the campaign – to stand out in a distinctive manner in a highly competitive context by devising a promotional product that clearly and simply communicates the peculiarities of Conto Progetto – helps to strengthen brand awareness and can be deployed on a whole series of touchpoints, through which potential customers can be intercepted.
A promotional testimonial for Conto Progetto is provided by Gianluca Torre, the real estate agent and social media star who owes his fame to his participation in Case a Prima Vista, broadcast on RealTime. Indeed, TV that is the main campaign touchpoint, with a video (offered in 30″ and 15″ formats) in which the famous real estate consultant ironically plays on the commonplaces associated with the many ineffective methods of attempting to make one’s savings pay off. In the advert, Gianluca Torre moves around his professional habitat, the home, with his characteristic tone of voice, evocative gestures and many English expressions, using them in typical interactions with home furnishings and environments. He then introduces and illustrates all the advantages of adopting Conto Progetto, in terms of holding and yield: the only factors that matter if you want to “do real business” by investing your savings.
“The decision to promote Banca Progetto’s savings products through a testimonial represents a new approach in the communication strategies not only of our Institute, but of the entire competitive landscape,”explains Massimo Bondanza, Head of Customer Excellence at Project Bank. “Thanks to Connexia, we are once again at the forefront in choosing new communication languages borrowed from the world of social media and television, a strategy that allows us to speak to our target audience in a way that is always current and modern.”
“It fills us with satisfaction to talk about the Bank’s reliability Project,” comments Riccardo Catagnano, Executive Creative Director of Connexia. “Especially with a light-hearted and contemporary tone of voice, helping Italians to discover a deposit account able to make their savings pay off better than the ‘social brick’ of our Gianluca Torre.”
The campaign was planned by TSW.