13th “Wake Up Innovators” With BVA Doxa & Connexia, for the culture of innovation. Guest: Paolo De Caro.

21 october 2019 – Connexia, a data-driven creativity agency with a passion for digital transformation, and BVA Doxa, a leading company in market research and analysis, are hosting the 13th “WAKE UP INNOVATORS” event, a series of monthly meetings dedicated to digital culture, science, innovation and disruptive communication.
This time, on 29 October, the talk will be entitled “HR and talent in digital transformation”, where Paolo De Caro, Head of People Development at Enel Global Digital Solutions, will be exploring the impact of digital transformation on the Human Resources sector.
Moderated by Italo Marconi, Connexia’s Chief Innovation Officer, this will provide an opportunity to reflect on what we understand by “talent” today, and on the most effective levers that can be used by companies to attract it, cultivate it, retain it and regenerate it. A “compass” to guide us through current trends, with one eye on individuals and the other on the impact on business.