CONAI e Biorepack
Biorepack, the newborn CONAI system supply chain consortium dedicated to biodegradable and compostable plastic packaging. On the occasion of the birth of the new Consortium, CONAI and Biorepack asked Connexia to develop a communication campaign aimed at raising awareness among the target of the correct supply of bioplastic materials in order to improve the separate waste collection.
Connexia developed an online and on-air campaign that was channeled primarily via radio, flanked by digital and social channels. The communication campaign is entitled “Sacchettino Bio”, a reference to the famous musical hit “Pulcino Pio”. Connexia created an ad hoc text – with clear assonance with the original song- and a video whose treatment involved the adoption of the doodle technique, through the 2D humanization of a bioplastic bag, the main character of the campaign.
Creativity, video production, media planning, digital media planning, social media management.