Connexia presents (and experiments!) Bring Your Mum to Work Day: a new mum-friendly format for a fully immersive taste of agency life

Milan, 9 May 2018 – Connexia, the Doxa Group’s data-driven creativity agency, launched Bring Your Mum to Work Day today, an original format created for Mother’s Day by the Milanese agency’s creative team to get their employees’ mums engaged and involved. Connexia’s mums are invited to come and see and experience what their children do with a fully immersive morning in the wonderfully wacky and hectic life of an agency.
The trailer for the Bring Your Mum to Work Day multichannel project starting airing on Connexia’s social channels last week, and offers a tongue-in-cheek glimpse of the initiative’s main goal: to show the employees’ mums what a typical day in their children’s working lives is like, particularly when their children work in such a fascinating world which often remains a mystery to “outsiders”. During their visit to the agency, the mums will discover how and why their children are accomplished professionals who excel at communication.
To achieve the goal of − finally – bringing different generations together and getting them to come at new technologies from different angles, Connexia will launch the Bring Your Mum to Work Day format on Friday, 11th May, by inviting their associates’ mums to spend a morning in their offices and get a taste of what agency life is really like! This means welcoming our mums, showing them where their children spend their days – the meeting rooms, the vitally essential coffee machines, and “creative” desks buried under Post-it notes – and engage them in the experience that represents the real “heart” of the creative process in any self-respecting agency: brainstorming.
With expert guidance from the agency’s account managers, Connexia’s mums will be divided into work groups and involved in a full-on brainstorming session with real clients, real brands and a real brief!
And because we never like life to be boring and predictable, there’s more!
Connexia has thought of others besides “its own mums” – it wants to reach out to all mums and to do this the agency has prepared a special kit for all the companies interested in trying the Bring Your Mum to Work Day experience. The kit can be downloaded from, and contains all the “basic tips” you need to ensure the event is a success. It offers a handy guide to using the format in any type of company and not just the service sector or digital communications specialists.
“Let’s be honest: the generation gap in today’s society is incredibly tangible, and it is “sadly true” – as well as often funny, trying and a source of endless misunderstandings – that our mums often have absolutely no idea what their children actually do at work!
Bring Your Mum to Work Day is an unusual and potentially very endearing format, especially for anyone who works in an agency, and the idea of creating and trialling this format for the first time in Italy highlights two values that we think are fundamental: the value of experience for us at Connexia, namely the possibility of having an experience and being able to recount it, which then unfurls when our mums get involved, and our ironic and creative approach to developing our in-house communication initiatives,” said Paolo D’Ammassa, the CEO of Connexia. “In addition to being welcomed to our Via Panizza offices and shown a cross section of agency life, our special guests can also put their skills to the test as “communicative mums” and actively take part in real working groups producing ideas for real Connexia clients. The Bring Your Mum to Work Day format will definitely intrigue and appeal to other Italian business and encourage them to embrace our idea of sharing with the older generation and bridging the generational divide.”