Connexia presents the Connexia Audience Tracker

3 October 2019 – Connexia presents the Connexia Audience Tracker, the proprietary audience profiling tool developed in-house in conjunction with BVA Doxa which is a byword for public opinion and market research in Italy thanks to over seventy years of experience in the business. Connexia’s new tool enables it to do a deep dive into specific targets of interest, profile them and understand what makes them unique when compared with the rest of the online Italian population by using demographic, psychographic, attitudinal and behavioural variables. The development team was coordinated by Matteo Sbarra, Connexia’s Business Strategy Director.
“The Connexia Audience Tracker is a highly flexible and versatile tool designed to optimise the analysis of the target more quickly and provide output that is relevant from all points of view,” said Matteo Sbarra, Connexia’s Business Strategy Director. “The quality and reliability of the data, and thereby of the insights, is an indispensable asset for all our communication projects. Our uniqueness also, and more importantly, comes from this work model; it provides results of outstanding quality and efficiency and this appeals to the brands that choose us.”
The Connexia Audience Tracker strengthens the data-driven creativity of the agency, which takes direct control of a strategic asset, the “data”, in all its forms and variables. The fact that the tool was developed in-house brings countless advantages, including the opportunity to enrich the data-set by introducing new variables or producing vertical analyses by target or industry, accessing raw data and operating different correlations. We conducted a quantitative investigation to develop the tool using the CAWI method on a sample that was completely representative of the Italian online population.
“Using a proprietary tool to conduct profiled analyses is a significant differential for Connexia,” said Massimiliano Trisolino, Connexia’s Managing Partner for Strategy and Creativity. “All our communication projects are always driven by “data” and by target and medium analysis. This is our starting point for becoming strategic and innovative partners for our clients. The data-driven mindset qualifies us to build communication pathways closely linked to the brands’ lines of business, starting with shared KPIs. Creativity, technology, innovation, media and data: these five “universes” are destined to intersect in every communication project, and should be managed with a long-term strategic-consultancy approach and the daily collaboration of a close partnership. We are already successfully approaching the market guided by insights from the Connexia Audience Tracker: we can use this tool for all industries and for all communication projects without distinction, without limiting ourselves solely to digital. Quite the opposite, thanks in part to our integration with the Ragooo team we are working on producing an extension for the tool that examines semantic and listening universes.”